We caught up with dancer Jordan Mercer Lantz to talk about her time at CRB and see what she’s been up to since!
Jordan Mercer Lantz in the Sleepwalking scene in Wade Schaaf’s “Macbeth”. Photo by Ashley Deran
CRB: When did you dance with CRB?
Jordan: “I danced with CRB for 5 seasons, from 2014 to 2018.”
CRB: What is a favorite CRB Memory?
Jordan: “I don’t have one specific memory, but theater week was always my favorite. Having all that time together in theater always made our company closer.”
CRB: What was a favorite CRB work to dance?
Jordan: “I got to dance so many wonderful pieces at CRB, but the one that stands out the most to me was Macbeth. As a member of the original cast, I had the opportunity to be a part of the creative process and put a piece of myself into the performance. It was such an interesting mix of pointe work, floor work, and storytelling and provided a wonderfully unique opportunity for me. The experience will always be close to my heart.”
CRB: What are you up to now?
Jordan: “After finishing my dance career, I moved to Michigan, got married, and am now back in school. I am currently working toward my degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management and hope to one day get a job in the Hospitality field as a Hotel Manager or Event Planner. I am still teaching ballet as well.”
CRB: Have any pandemic projects?
Jordan: “During the pandemic, I was lucky enough to have time to do small things that add value to me life. I got back into my yoga practice, did a full spring cleaning on my house, and even started learning French! I also got lots of snuggle time with my dog.”
You can follow Jordan on her social media channels on Facebook and her Instagram: @Jordan.mercer.140
Dancers Jordan Mercer Lantz and Tony Suhadolnik in Wade Schaaf’s “Macbeth”. Photo: Ashley Deran