We caught up with dancer Becky Mikos to talk about her time and CRB and see what she’s up to now!
CRB dancers on tour in Vero Beach FL
CRB: When did you dance with CRB?
Becky: “I danced for CRB for two seasons from 2014-2015”
CRB: Do you have a favorite CRB memory?
Becky: “We went on tour to Miami and Vero Beach, FL in 2015 and when we got there, we went shopping for food and saw our poster up at the grocery store! It felt like we were famous! I felt so honored and excited to be a part of a group that was bringing art to places all over the country. While there, we also had the opportunity to choreograph a work on a group of students over the course of a few weeks. Having the chance to choreograph and develop movement on a group of eager young dance students is such a gift. I still have a signed picture frame they gave me hanging up in my room as a reminder of the learning and transformation that happened in a few short weeks. OH! And there was an alligator in the pond where we were staying! Because.... Florida.”
CRB: What was a favorite CRB work to dance?
Becky: “One time, I got to perform "Dancer Net." I had always looked up to other dancers that performed it, so I was very nervous to do it! The rehearsal process was really challenging for me and it really helped me to explore and develop some new performance qualities. I'm really grateful to have had that learning experience. I also can't get by without mentioning Bolero! It was awesome to be a part of the creative development of the work. We moved giant walls on and off stage to hide and reveal new scenes, and I remember when we were just using paper taped together to demo the wall idea! It was such a bold and exciting work to be a part of. “
CRB: What are you up to now?
Becky: “Now I work full time in Marketing and Project Management! I kind of fell into this role at a small company that provides safety training for workers in the utility industry. I started as an Administrative Assistant, quickly took over the Marketing at the company, and now I'm the Marketing Manager and I assist our Project team with project management. This year, we've held 2 successful virtual conferences (a huge undertaking and learning curve after we were used to holding in-person events)! I've learned a lot and I actually really like it. Most recently, our company started using the software platform Salesforce and I worked to pass the Administrator Certification exam. I'm eager to see where the new Marketing and Salesforce knowledge and skills lead me in my career. I hope to someday take these skills back into the realm of the arts. I've also been co-directing and choreographing the Nutcracker at a studio in the Chicago Suburbs for the past three years. At first, it was new for me to be in the "director" role. It's an awesome feeling to go from dreaming up movement phrases in rehearsal to seeing the full production with costumes, props & lighting on stage. The music would continue and the dancers would just go from section to section without me needing to yell reminders like I did in the studio. It's amazing!! “
CRB: Have any pandemic projects?
Becky: “My boyfriend just bought a townhouse, so I'm excited to help him paint and pick out furniture! Also, I've taken up cross stitch to de-stress. It's actually pretty enjoyable, despite feeling a little like a grandma. :)”