WHERE ARE THEY NOW: Michelle Meltzer

We caught up with dancer Michelle Meltzer to see what she’s been up to after her time at CRB. Here’s what she had to say!


CRB: When did you dance with CRB?

Michelle: “I was a company member from 2018-2019.”

CRB: Do you have a favorite CRB memory?
Michelle: “My favorite CRB memory is a blur of time spent together in the studio, working and dancing hard, but also enjoying each other's company. CRB brought some incredible friends and colleagues into my life, and I will be forever grateful for that.”

CRB: What was a favorite CRB work to dance?
Michelle: I have to pick two! Trees Melody by Shannon Alvis and a reworking of Illuminations by Wade Schaaf.

CRB: What are you up to now (personally and or professionally)?
Michelle: “I am currently dancing for Visceral Dance Chicago, and am also a Pilates Instructor for Equinox in Lincoln Park. This fall I started teaching dance again and have been loving it.”

CRB: Have any pandemic projects?
Michelle: “I am slowly redecorating my apartment and updating furniture and artwork. It is amazing what some small changes can do when you are at home more!”

You can follow Michelle on her Instagram @_my_shell_

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