WHERE ARE THEY NOW: Kate Goddard Vandivier


We caught up with dancer Kate Goddard Vandivier to see what she’s been up to after her time at Chicago Repertory Ballet. This is what she had to say!

CRB: When did you dance with the company?

Kate: 2013 - 2017

CRB: Thinking back on your time at CRB, do you have any favorite memories to share?

Kate: “There are so many great memories to choose from, but my hands down favourite one is during a rehearsal for MacBeth. During the ballroom scene, I stalk Tony to an upstage chair but when Tony went to sit down backwards on the chair, it completely collapsed underneath him. I don’t know if it was his expression as the chair was collapsing or the physicality of seeing his struggle to stay seated, but I completely lost it. We had to stop the rehearsal because I was laughing so hard.”

CRB: Do you have a favorite work that you danced?

Kate: “My favourite piece, hands down, was Peoplescape. I honestly loved all of the rep but I have a particular fondness for that piece.”

CRB: What have you been up to lately?

Kate:I currently live in England, in a small Surrey village about 45 minutes outside London. I teach at a dance studio, Monarch Studios, and am also the studio’s Staff and Student Coordinator, where I handle all of the admin for the studio. Peter and I had a little boy in 2019 named Ben, and we have a little girl arriving in early 2021. I mostly spend my days answering emails for the studio, chasing my toddler, planning and delivering classes/choreography and drinking a lot of tea.”

CRB: Any accomplishments/joys that you’d like to share?

Kate: Making it to England!

Follow Kate on her journey!

Instagram: @kvdancer @monarchstudios