WHERE ARE THEY NOW: Jordan Colovos


We caught up with dancer Jordan Colovos to see what he’s been up to after his time at Chicago Repertory Ballet. This is what he had to say!

CRB: When did you dance with the company?

Jordan: “I was apart of the CRB company from December-April of 2017, with a summer intensive appearance sprinkled in there! “

CRB: What are you up to now?

Jordan: “Honestly, some days I don't even know! Personally, I have been really trying to lean more into my queerness and navigate what that means for me. Trying to lead with grace and integrity much more and set boundaries for myself. I have had such a bad habit of pushing through to make sure I'm always working, that I have sacrificed my own mental health. So, now, I am putting that at the forefront and have been loving the changes that I am seeing to my life. Since COVID has kind of sidelined any serious dance plans, i.e. Broadway, I have decided to start delving into diversity and inclusion work! I currently work for lululemon and have recently created the role of "IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity, action) Lead", where I will be in charge of facilitating dialogues and providing resources to further educate my team so we can create a more diverse, and inclusive, space in our store and hopefully extending throughout the company! I am also looking into grad school, where I will ideally pursue a Masters in Human Resources, with a focus in Diversity and Inclusion, so I can further my own education and be a better advocate for my communities! I am really vocal about the equity of both the POC, specifically black, and queer communities so I want to continue to be a voice for them. Hopefully, somewhere in all of that I will get to be on Broadway and continue dancing, but for now I am growing where I'm planted.”

CRB: What is a favorite CRB memory?

Jordan: “Honestly, there are way too many to sift through but some of my favorite memories occured when we were out of the studio. It was the moments that a lot of us spent together, outside of a dance company setting, that sticks with me. I firmly believe that it is because our bond and our friendships were so strong and honest, that it only amplified how we moved together in the studio and how we communicated. I am a firm believer in being friends with your coworkers and in this case, it made us stronger performers. Another one of my favorite memories was always partnering with my friend, Jaime Borkan. It seemed to always be the two of us in a couple pieces and we just clicked and were always in sync. I have so much love for that girl, and admiration, for that girl.”

CRB: Any pandemic projects?

Jordan: “I actually took up knitting! I started making this big blanket and have yet to finish, but I have every intention to! I am also really passionate about cooking so I did a whole lot of that to keep me sane and to really find something to take my mind off of what, at the time, was the state of our country. Hopefully, I'll be starting a blog with all of my recipes in it so stay tuned for that!”

“You can find me @jordancolovos on instagram if you have any interest in following a silly queer boy who posts about equality, food, and Beyonce. :)”

Photo: Melika Dez