Dancer Training Program Instructor Profile: Adeoye Mabogunje


Adeoye / DÉO (he, him) is an interdisciplinary Performing Artist.

He is thrilled to join the Faculty at Chicago Repertory Ballet.  

He earned his BA in Law, Letters, and Society at the University of Chicago, and his MFA at The George Washington University’s Academy for Classical Acting.  The graduate program included Ballet for Actors and Pilates Mat Training. He Certified through the EQUINOX Pilates Institute and through Classical Pilates Formula at FFC, where he is currently a Teacher Training Assistant. Adeoye is also certified as a Meditation Guide and a Yoga Teacher.

Adeoye has performed in Regional Theatres across the country and around Chicago, including Lookigglass Theatre, where he serves as an Actor and as a Teaching Artist.  Adeoye is also the Founder and Artistic Director of Quicksilver Shakespeare Company, an experimental ensemble of Artists committed to Diversity and Inclusion in Performance, currently producing #QuicksilverQuarantine in the digital Zoom Space.

For more information on CRB’s Professional Training Program including prospective schedules, registration and scholarship information click below!