Dancer Spotlight: Miriam-Rose LeDuc

Q&A with Miriam-Rose!

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CRB: What's been the most challenging/fun part of the rehearsal processes?

Miriam-Rose: One of the most fun and challenging pieces for me has been Ryan Nye’s new work.  The final movement uses Max Richter’s “Infra 5”, which is one of my favorite pieces of music.  While I’ve enjoyed listening to that piece many times, I never had to truly analyze it until this choreographic process.  As both a dancer and a musician, I enjoyed the challenge of studying the piece from a musical standpoint as well as applying that musicality to the steps themselves.!


CRB: Why should someone see "Modern Motions?"

Miriam-Rose: Chicago Repertory Ballet is a uniquely versatile company.  With repertoire requiring anything from pointe shoes to bare feet, we truly do push ourselves to create and perform "dance that defies labels".  Not only is this versatility rewarding for us as dancers, who are constantly being challenged to grow technically and artistically, but it also makes our art approachable and relevant to the Chicago community at large. 


CRB: Tell the world a little about yourself!

Miriam-Rose: In addition to dancing, I enjoy playing the violin, teaching, and composing music.